Woman Makes Heart With Hands On Beach. Symbolizing the love languages for children and teens with anxiety for child therapy and teen therapy in Scotch Plains, NJ. You can get help with parent coaching and therapy for children with anxiety here and via online therapy in New Jersey

What is EMDR Therapy? A New Jersey Therapist Explains This Proven Trauma Treatment

Posted 4 CommentsPosted in Children, EMDR, Fawn McNeil-Haber

You’ve tried various therapists who use different therapeutic techniques, but you haven’t found them to be very successful. You’re still suffering. Perhaps, you’ve heard about Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing, or EMDR, before and you’re thinking about trying it. But, you want to gather some information first. Today, I want to give you some information about […]

allergens tested in an oral food challenge, nut allergy, soy allergy

Oral Food Challenge Part 2: Managing the Anxiety

Posted 1 CommentPosted in Anxiety, Children, Fawn McNeil-Haber, Food allergies, Parents

In part one of this two-part blog series, we discussed what an oral food challenge is and how you can prepare yourself and your child. Oral food challenges can be very anxiety-provoking for both the child with food allergies and the food allergy parent. Allergists think very carefully before recommending an oral food challenge. They […]

child therapy new jersey

6 Reasons You Should Meet With a Child and Adolescent Therapist Without Your Child

Posted Posted in Children, Fawn McNeil-Haber, Online Therapy, Parents

As a parent, you inevitably come across moments where you’re not sure what your next step is.  Your preschooler’s tantrums are beginning to break the hour mark. A discussion with your middle schooler has resulted in an upheaval of yelling for the 12th time.  You’re worried about the crowd your teen is hanging out with […]