A close up of the word mutism.

Treating Selective Mutism With Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Adapted for Selective Mutism (PCIT-SM)

Posted Posted in Elaine Harrison-Yau, Parents

If you’re reading this then the probability is your child has received a diagnosis of selective mutism. You might be experiencing a multitude of feelings ranging from sadness and worry to frustration and even anger. There might be waves of grief as you think about the dreams you had for your child; making friends at […]

Image of a boy sitting on a swing at the park by himself showing the struggles that child therapy for anxiety can help address. A child therapist in Scotch Plains, NJ could help him by addressing his selective mutism.

Could Your Child Be Experiencing Selective Mutism?

Posted 1 CommentPosted in Children, Elaine Harrison-Yau, Parents

What is Selective Mutism? Selective Mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by an inability to speak or communicate in certain situations. It is usually first diagnosed during childhood. Children with selective mutism appear to develop typically and speak normally in certain situations. However, they fail to speak in public situations where speaking […]