postpartum therapy in new jersey

What are PMADs? Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders and how to tell if you may be experiencing one after the birth of your child.

Posted Posted in Anxiety, Jessica Pizzo, New Moms, Parents

Have you ever laid awake after a midnight feeding with tears in your eyes wondering if what you are feeling is “normal”? You wanted this baby so badly. You expected to be overwhelmed with joy.  While you do feel joy at times, you can’t help but feel overwhelmed with anxiety, frustration, and sadness for most […]

trauma examples self help

Trauma Reaction: 2 Realistic Examples

Posted Posted in Angela Gonnella, Anxiety, Trauma

In this last blog of my series on trauma, I’m going to tie everything together. My first blog started with the basics in telling the difference between classic anxiety and trauma reactions.  My second blog began to paint a picture of what the primary issues are when experiencing a trauma reaction. I want to take […]

3 Ways to Tell the Difference Between Anxiety and Trauma Reaction

Posted 2 CommentsPosted in Angela Gonnella, Anxiety, Trauma

Many people label a variety of stressful or uncomfortable experiences  as “anxiety.” However, sometimes that experience may be more than just “anxiety.” A deeper look may reveal that there are painful, traumatic experiences that’s creating the emotional stress.  When you hear the word “trauma” or “trauma reaction”, you may be confused about what this means. […]

Epi pen use with twin pack. Can food allergies cause panic attacks? Yes! That's why anxiety therapy new jersey is great for parents of children and teens with food allergies new jersey. Westfield NJ counseling can help you cope with an anaphylactic reaction new jersey now.

7 Ways to Take the Trauma Out of Epinephrine Use During an Anaphylactic Reaction

Posted 1 CommentPosted in Anxiety, Fawn McNeil-Haber, Food allergies

As a food allergy parent, one of your biggest fears may be an anaphylactic reaction. Rightly so,  these multi-system, life-threatening reactions to an allergen create a chain reaction in the body. The immune system releases a flood of chemicals that can compromise the functioning of bodily organs.  As a food allergy parent myself, this sounds […]