Woman sitting on an edge watching a sunset. We know that birth trauma therapy in Scotch Plains, NJ can help you recover from a traumatic birth. Start working with a trauma therapist today. | 07076

Trauma-Informed Providers Working Together To Help Heal Birth Trauma: Pelvic Floor Therapy and Mental Health Therapy

Posted 1 CommentPosted in Adults, Jessica Pizzo, New Moms

How does trauma show up in the medical world?  Trauma can mean many different things. It could be a deeply distressing event that changes the way you view the world, or a medical injury. For instance, what happens when your trauma fits both definitions? Likewise, what happens when the thought of seeing a medical provider […]

white ally action steps

Action Steps for a White Ally

Posted 2 CommentsPosted in Jessica Pizzo

The news keeps on coming, more black lives being taken senselessly… horrifically… systematically.  My stomach turns, I am filled with rage, my eyes begin to well. I can not rest. I spend hours on the internet; reading, researching. “What can I do to help? This has to change” As a woman of Italian American descent, […]