therapy for Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Different Than Morning Sickness: The Impact of Severe Nausea During Pregnancy on Moms to Be

Posted Posted in Jessica Pizzo, New Moms

“Have you tried eating ginger?” a well-meaning friend asks as you feel your blood boil. You have tried ginger, you have tried seabands… you have tried everything, and still nothing works. Constant nausea overwhelming your body and mind. This is not the typical morning sickness associated with the early stages of pregnancy. This is Hyperemesis […]

How trauma related to pregnancy can impact African Americans

The Trauma of Your Ancestors Lives on in You: Pregnancy in the African American Community

Posted 2 CommentsPosted in Jessica Pizzo, New Moms, Parents, Trauma

Something scary has happened, and it has threatened your sense of safety. You feel your stomach in knots, sweat pouring down your face, and heart pounding. This is trauma, and it can be anything from witnessing violence to being present during a hurricane. Did you know that during a traumatic experience not only is your […]

postpartum therapy in new jersey

What are PMADs? Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders and how to tell if you may be experiencing one after the birth of your child.

Posted Posted in Anxiety, Jessica Pizzo, New Moms, Parents

Have you ever laid awake after a midnight feeding with tears in your eyes wondering if what you are feeling is “normal”? You wanted this baby so badly. You expected to be overwhelmed with joy.  While you do feel joy at times, you can’t help but feel overwhelmed with anxiety, frustration, and sadness for most […]